Quick Tips for Sorting Custody over the Holidays

By |2023-05-17T16:30:18+00:00May 26th, 2020|Divorce Process|

A painful reality of sharing custody of your children is that you will have to compromise on where they spend the most important days on your calendar. Here are some guidelines for reaching an agreement. Divide the Days. You may find that you and your spouse have different priorities when it comes to holidays. It may also be that you and your spouse have holidays that one of you celebrates and the other does not. Trade days that are important [...]

Tips for enjoying the holidays after divorce

By |2023-05-30T15:06:14+00:00May 21st, 2020|Dealing With Divorce|

Holidays after a divorce are never the same as they were before. Your world, your children's world, and your ex's world is now different. Nonetheless, you and your family can still have happy holidays with a change of mindset and a few common-sense guidelines. Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: Stock-Asso Enjoy Your Time Together The traditions can remain, and some families may get together, even after a divorce, to share significant holidays. Ask yourself if it is possible to have [...]

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