Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce Mediation.

Divorce may be difficult, especially when children with special needs are part of the marriage. In the past, couples who wanted to separate had to go through many court hearings in person. But as time passed by, the availability of online divorce services made the divorce process easier.

Online divorce for couples with special needs children might be a great option for a less stressful and more flexible divorce. So, in this article, we’ll review the benefits of online divorce for couples who have children with special needs and give some tips on working through this difficult process.

Couples Having Children With Special Needs vs. Online Divorce

Online divorce could be the best divorce option for busy parents of special needs children. The entire process is much more flexible and convenient because there are no lawyer appointments. This means you could prioritize your children’s needs and fit the divorce process into your and your children’s schedules.

Plus, this way, the whole process becomes faster and less aggressive, lowering the chances of a conflict, especially in front of your children.

Online divorce should also provide additional benefits in terms of privacy and confidentiality. You could complete the process from your homes. With this, you might avoid the need to talk about sensitive issues with the lawyer in front of your special needs children.

Online divorce takes less time because you skip the lawyer’s meetings and paperwork gatherings. It should allow you to finalize the divorce and move on with your life faster. This could be a big help because you will get more time to focus on your children’s needs.

Couples Having Children With Special Needs vs. Online Divorce

Source: / Photo Contributor: Denis Kuvaev

Online Mediation for Couples With Special Needs Children

If you and your partner are planning to separate, an online software service might be the perfect solution. BlissDivorce understands the challenges of divorce when you have children with special needs. 

Our platform provides a safe online environment where you and your partner can work together and reach a mutually agreeable solution.

Now, let’s explore the benefits of online mediation for couples with special needs children.


Accessibility is one of the most significant benefits of online divorce for couples with special needs children. Special needs children often need more care and support, which could make it difficult for you to go to in-person meetings.

All you need is a computer and a good internet connection. You can complete the divorce petition, as well as select child care and custody from the comfort of your home. In case you and your partner come to a disagreement about custody, the online service will suggest including an online mediator.


Online divorce is more flexible than traditional lawyer-assisted divorce. Here, you won’t have to meet the lawyer and collect documents from different institutions. The online divorce petition is completed when you fill in all the sections on the platform and submit the request.

So, in the meantime, you can focus on your special needs children and complete the divorce petition during your free time.


Online divorce will cut the travel expenses and lawyer’s meeting charges that the traditional divorce process usually requires. This is very important if you’re already facing financial issues that come with raising special needs children.

The best about the cost of online divorce is its flat rate, which is a couple of times lower than the one a lawyer may charge.

Focusing on your children’s needs

When it comes to divorce with special needs children, the children should be the most important thing to consider. Online divorce could help you focus on your children’s needs by providing a neutral and structured process for settling arguments.

Plus, online negotiating is silent and would not emotionally affect your children. You are avoiding arguments in front of your children, which is a huge advantage that no money can buy.

Focusing on your children’s needs

Source: / Photo Contributor: M-Production

Getting Prepared for Online Divorce

If you’ve decided that online divorce is the right choice for you, here are a few things you could do to prepare for the process:

Prepare yourself emotionally

Online divorce could be a stressful and emotional experience, the same as traditional in-court divorcing. Having a child with special needs might make the situation even harder for both parents and the child itself.

So it’s important to take care of your mental health before, during, and after the divorce process. Besides talking with someone close, you could contact a therapist or counselor who can work with families of children with special needs.


Online divorce can be a good option for couples who are and are not in good communication.

If both you and your partner are reasonable people who agree on divorce as the best solution for a better life, you should probably think about choosing online divorce. The process will run smoothly and be less stressful.

If the communication between the two of you is not in the “best light,” then choosing online divorce might be the best option that will save you from arguing and conflicts.

Moreover, if you disagree with the initial online divorce outcome, you can move a step forward and hire an online mediator to help you reach an agreement.


You should gather any documentation that may be important for this case; Include your children’s medical records, educational plans, and therapy schedules here. These pieces of information could be very helpful for finding your children’s needs and guaranteeing that the children are taken seriously during the mediation process.

Mistakes Parents of Special Needs Children Should Avoid When Divorcing 

We understand that the divorce process can get complicated, and many things should be considered. So, here are some mistakes you could avoid as a parent of children with special needs.

Not telling your children about the divorce

Children with special needs may be more sensitive to changes in their environment. So, not telling them about the divorce could lead to confusion and anxiety.

You could have an age-appropriate talk with your children about the divorce to prevent this. You could do this with your partner, explain why this is happening, and how both of you will continue to love and care for them. 

When you talk with your children, it’s important not to make them feel guilty. Instead, allow them to ask questions and react however they feel fit.

Being open and honest with your children could help them feel safer during this challenging time. That could reduce the negative influence that the divorce could have on them.

Not telling your children about the divorce

Source: / Photo Contributor: Goldsithney

Ignoring the emotional effect on your children

Divorce could be difficult for any child. But it could be especially difficult for children with special needs. This is why you, as a parent, should think about how the divorce may affect your children emotionally

You should support your children and help them adjust to the changes happening. This could involve talking with professionals like therapists. They could help your children work with their feelings.

Using your children as a negotiation tool

You shouldn’t use your children as a negotiation tool when you’re going through a divorce. You should never do this, especially if your children are with special needs.

Some parents may be drawn to use their children with special needs to gain an advantage during negotiations. But this could create long-term emotional harm to your children. And as a parent, your duty should be to do what’s best for them, not to use them.

Not preparing for the future

As children with special needs grow older, the need for more care and support doesn’t stop. You should consider that and create a plan that meets these needs.

You could think about financial planning. You could ensure your children continue to get the care and support they need even after the divorce.

Child support

Another thing you could do to prepare for the future is child support. Child support could help cover the costs of your children’s care. You could talk with a mediator about finding a fair and reasonable children’s support agreement covering the children’s needs.

Failing to talk with your partner

You could talk with your partner, even though it may be challenging. You should talk with them to ensure your children’s needs are handled properly.

If you don’t talk with each other, misunderstandings and disagreements might come up. They could end up creating problems in the parenting plan.

Rejecting other divorce processes

When getting a divorce, many couples believe they have to go to court and fight it out. But, some alternatives are less aggressive and more cooperative. 

Among those alternatives is online divorce, where the focus is on finding a virtual solution that works best for both of you instead of fighting over what each of you wants. These processes are less stressful and less expensive.

If you reject the alternative processes, you might miss out on a chance to create a more positive and cooperative outcome for everyone.

Rejecting other divorce processes

Source: / Photo Contributor: Lopolo


Divorce may be a complicated and painful process for any relationship. And it may be even more complicated when special needs children are involved. So, online divorce for couples with special needs children could be a great option to end the marriage while ensuring your children are safe and cared for.