Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce Mediation.

Understanding the financial impact of online divorce might help couples make reasonable decisions about their separation.

Moreover, being well-informed about the divorce’s financial impact may also reduce the potential negative consequences on your finances. Keep on reading to learn all about the costs and benefits of online divorce and how to prepare yourself for the process.

The Financial Impact of Online Divorce

Cost comparison between traditional divorce and online divorce

Traditional divorce can be expensive due to many things. These include attorney fees, court costs, number of trials, and other related expenses.

In contrast, online divorce services usually charge a flat fee without hidden costs. This might save couples a significant amount of money. The lower costs of online divorce make it a more accessible option, especially for people with limited resources.

Cost comparison between traditional divorce and online divorce

Source: / Photo Contributor: Billion Photos

Online divorce and digital mediation

Online divorce services, like BlissDivorce, significantly reduce the total cost of the divorce process. The process excludes lawyers and helps spouses reach an agreement on various aspects of their divorce. And more importantly, without the need for expensive legal representation.

To be more precise, some of these aspects are asset division and child custody. An online divorce may result in a more amicable and cost-effective divorce process.

For example, the online divorce service as BlissDivorce will charge from $999 to $3,500 per spouse, while an attorney charges $200 to $500 per hour! A traditional divorce with a lawyer’s representation might cost you over $40,000 (under specific circumstances).

Benefits of online divorce for asset division

Online divorce provides several benefits when it comes to asset division. Going for the online divorce option encourages open communication and cooperation between spouses, which can lead to a more amicable division of assets.

Preparing for an Online Divorce

Gathering necessary documents

To start an online divorce, gather important documents. These papers give you a clear picture of your financial situation during and after the divorce:

  1. Bank statements – gather statements for all your accounts, both joint and individual.
  2. Credit card statements – collect statements for all credit cards to understand your outstanding debts.
  3. Mortgage papers – include documents about your home loans and property ownership.
  4. Car loans – gather information about car loans or leases.
  5. Retirement accounts – collect statements for pension plans, 401(k)s, and IRAs.
  6. Tax returns – get copies of your joint and individual tax returns from the past few years.

Assessing your financial situation

You need to understand your financial situation when managing the financial impact of online divorce. Follow these steps:

  1. List your assets – write down everything you own, such as homes, cars, and investments. Include both joint and individual assets.
  2. List your debts – note down all your debts, like credit card bills, loans, and mortgages. Include both joint and individual debts.
  3. Check your credit score – knowing your credit score helps you plan for your financial future, as it affects loans and credit card approvals.
  4. Create a budget – make a plan for managing your money. Include income, expenses, savings, and debt payments.
Assessing your financial situation

Source: / Photo Contributor: Freedomz

Understanding your state’s divorce laws

Learn about your state’s divorce laws to better understand the financial impact of online divorce. These points are important to know:

  • Asset division

Different states have different rules for dividing assets. Some states use a 50-50 split, while others consider factors like income and length of the marriage.

California law sticks to the 50-50 division and splits the community assets equally to both spouses. Separate properties earned or owned before the marriage are not part of the community property and belong to the spouse that owned/received them outside the marriage.

  • Debt division

Learn how your state handles debt in a divorce. Some states divide debts equally, while others consider who incurred the debt.

In California, the practice is to divide the property and debt equally. However, there are some exceptions in cases when the community value of debt is higher than the community value of assets.

In such situations, the court will stick to an unequal division and assign the excess debt to the party with a better financial condition.

  • Child support and alimony

If you have children, you need to understand your state’s child support rules, including payment amounts and duration. Also, when children are involved, you need to learn about your state’s alimony laws, such as eligibility, payment amounts, and duration.

When determining child alimony in California, there are a couple of things considered. Some of them include the income each parent earns, the way each parent files taxes, the time they spend with the child/ren, and other factors.

Rebuilding Your Finances After Separation

Creating a post-divorce budget

Establishing a post-divorce budget is one of the many things to consider when achieving financial stability after separation. This budget should account for your income, expenses, and any changes in your financial situation after the divorce.

A mindful spending plan can help you maintain control over your finances. Thus, ensuring you are prepared for any unexpected expenses.

Managing debts and liabilities

Separating joint finances can be a challenging process. The process will often depend on your state laws. It is important to review and manage any outstanding debts and liabilities. Also, make sure to separate them accordingly.

Updating financial accounts and insurance policies

After a divorce, it is crucial to update your financial accounts. These include bank accounts, credit cards, and retirement accounts. These will reflect your newly single status.

Additionally, review and update your insurance policies, including life, health, and auto insurance. Ensure they continue to provide adequate coverage based on your new circumstances.

Financial planning for the future

Creating a financial plan after the divorce is a critical step in rebuilding your finances. This plan should consider all sources of income, future expenses, and any spousal care or child support. 

Creating a comprehensive financial plan allows you to set yourself up for future success and financial stability. You are paving the way for a more secure and prosperous life after divorce.

Financial planning for the future

Source: / Photo Contributor: Still AB

Tips for Financial Success after Online Divorce

Importance of communication

Clear and honest communication with your former spouse is important when handling the financial impact of online divorce. This can help minimize misunderstandings and ensure both parties are on the same page when it comes to financial matters. 

You can only make the transition to post-divorce life smoother and more manageable through honest communication.

Seeking professional financial advice

It is wise to seek professional financial advice during and after a divorce to help protect your finances. Financial advisors can guide managing your assets, liabilities, and investments. Also, they might ensure you make informed decisions during this challenging time.

Establishing individual financial goals

After a divorce, setting new financial goals tailored to your individual needs and circumstances is important. These goals might help you regain control over your finances and focus on building a secure financial future. They will also provide a sense of direction as you navigate your new life as a single individual.

Embracing new financial opportunities

A divorce may present new financial opportunities. You can take advantage of some things to achieve financial stability and success. You can even open new individual checking and savings accounts to become independent, finance-wise. Embracing these opportunities might help you adapt to your new financial situation. And set you on the path to a successful and prosperous future.


The financial impact of online divorce can have a positive effect on a separated couple. Online services simplify the process and help cut attorney fees and court costs. Also, using mediators in online divorce can save you money and ensure a fair financial agreement.

It’s important to focus on rebuilding finances after separating, as well. This includes making a budget, handling debts, and updating financial accounts and insurance policies. By following these steps, you can work towards a stable and successful financial future after divorce.