Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce Mediation.

Even though divorces are never pleasant, sometimes that can be the only option left for you. If you’re trying to end your marriage, you have many options available. Divorces are common and often costly. But the traditional way of hiring an attorney and going to court isn’t your only solution. You’ll be surprised at the cost of online divorce or professional mediation options.

There are ways to divorce your spouse that are less costly and anxiety-inducing. The cost of getting a divorce varies depending on many factors. So, choosing the right path is an important task for you and your spouse.

Continue reading this article to discover more about online divorce costs. Learn more about what they are, their process, and their duration.

What Is an Online Divorce Service?

Many couples are seeking options to save time, money, and effort when going through a divorce. In the 21st century, we are provided with ways that simplify the process. For example, online divorce is the most cost-effective procedure nowadays.

An online divorce service is a fast solution for couples to prepare forums for separation. This service might help you go through all the documents you need to file a divorce settlement.

Some online divorce services provide you with a completed divorce petition and the files your state requires. Others even go beyond just supplying you with the paperwork. Some online divorce services will even file the forms for you. But this often goes for an additional fee. They might also help you prepare your divorce settlement agreement.

What Is an Online Divorce Service

Source: / Photo Contributor: zimmytws

What Is the Cost of Online Divorce?

Couples who choose an online divorce save their time, effort, and money. If you both agree on all issues in your divorce, an online service is an affordable alternative.

The cost of online divorce varies depending on the service you use. It can cost you between $1,500 to $3,500. There are also individual options that allow you to go through the process by yourself. This includes proposing terms and conditions and going through your financial disclosures.

Since traditional divorce can go up to $30,000 or $40,000, an online divorce for $3,500 is a much more affordable option. The traditional court route is much more costly because you’ll have to hire lawyers and go to trials and through other additional frustrations. Also, the option that you can split the bill with your spouse can be a relieving factor.

You can check out the online divorce company’s policy for more information. Some companies may offer a monthly payment basis. Others may charge a flat fee. Either way, all your paperwork will be in order until the divorce is finalized.

Keep in mind that the cost of online divorce doesn’t involve additional court fees. This includes the paperwork filings and other requirements. Filing fees vary from one state to another, even from county to county within the same state.

Financial Obligations in an Online Divorce Program

In an online divorce program, your financial obligations are far less costly than any other option. However, there are several important payments you need to keep in mind. Such are: 

  • Subscription or service fees
  • Document preparation costs and court filing fees
  • Mediation or arbitration expenses

Subscription or service fees

The first thing to plan out is how much your service will cost. As mentioned above, BlissDivorce offers several options you can choose from.

If you’re looking to get your divorce organized, go with the $999 individual subscription plan. In this program, you will get to propose conditions and terms such as property division, child custody, and support. The service will guide you through all the needed paperwork and forums until the finalization of your divorce.

Other subscription plans include a $1,500 and a $2,500 package. Through these programs, both parties can easily document their assets and debt division. However, the second program offers additional features such as resolving amenities, child custody, and support. Moreover, both these programs cover your additional filing fees.

The last subscription plan you can choose from BlissDivorce, is at the cost of $3,500. This program offers everything in the complete plan, plus five-hour consultations with an expert mediator.

Document preparation costs and court filing fees

Even though BlissDivorce can settle all your paperwork for you, there are several charges you should know about. If you’re planning to get a divorce in California, filing the necessary documents costs around $435. However, you should be aware of the postage and other expenses.

If you’re struggling with your financial stability, there is a fee waiver option. If the court accepts your application, you’ll be released from paying all costs for starting a case.

Document preparation costs and court filing fees

Source: / Photo Contributor: kan_chana

Mediation or arbitration expenses

If you choose BlissDivorce as an online divorce service, you can start your mediation for free. These programs offer free consultations with high-end technology tools. However, mediators are included in the divorce process when you and your spouse disagree about specific divisions of the initial outcome.

Financial Considerations in the Online Divorce Process

When going through an online divorce, your financial obligations will be the same as in a traditional divorce process. Both parties will be required to come to an agreement on the terms and conditions. Furthermore, you should consider the following:

  • Child support and custody arrangements
  • Division of assets and debts
  • Financial planning for post-divorce life
  • Tax implications and considerations

Child support and custody arrangements

Other considerations include child support and custody. If you have children, you and your partner must find a mutual language on these terms. The court will then review the settlement and ensure it’s in the best interest of the child. Once all these financial considerations have been completed, the divorce can be finalized.

If you and your partner can’t agree on child custody, support, and parenting plans, mediation will help

These programs seek whatever is in the best interest of the child. The basis for this decision includes:

  • The child’s age and health
  • The child’s emotional ties with parents
  • The child’s school, home, and community ties
  • The parent’s ability to care for the child
  • History of any family violence 
  • Any substance abuse by parents

Division of assets and debts

Through an online divorce program, you’ll negotiate the division of assets and debts between you. There are two categories in the property division. Separate and community property.

Separate property includes what both of you owned individually before marrying. On the other hand, community property includes everything you and your partner own and owe during your marriage.

In general, after a divorce, you get to keep your separate property and split the community property. The California law practice is 50-50, while other states may have different things into consideration. Exceptions might be made based on different situations.

Financial planning for post-divorce life

Before finalizing your divorce, it’s important to plan out your post-divorce future. There are a few steps you should consider after dissolving a marriage. Depending on your unique situation, the following may be essential:

  • Cancel joint accounts
  • Create new personal accounts
  • Update beneficiaries on retirement accounts
  • Protect your identity, change passwords and usernames
  • Retitle assets to your name
  • Check your credit score
  • Create a new estate plan
  • Create a new budget
  • Update your filing system

Tax implications and considerations

Since married couples are individually taxed, divorce won’t impact your income tax position. However, the tax implications should be carefully considered as part of your divorce settlements.

Is Online Divorce the Right Choice for You?

For you to be able to use an online divorce service option, you must have an uncontested divorce. If you and your partner agree on all terms and conditions, you’re able to go through an online divorce. But, if you’re not agreeing on some issues with your partner, there are other options you can consider. You can try out online mediation that may help you resolve any problems you might have with the terms.

Online divorce might not be the best option for some couples. For example, you have complicated finances. Before filing for an online divorce, it’s advised you should consult with a professional. It would be best to have them check out your settlement agreement before signing it. 

Be sure to remember that you must respect the agreements incorporated in the settlement. Even though state laws allow changes, you must prove the circumstances have changed.

Is Online Divorce the Right Choice for You

Source: / Photo Contributor: Manuel Milan

Online Divorce Benefits

This process is the simplest, most affordable, and effortless way to get divorced. In most cases, couples going through an online divorce get their desired outcomes. An online divorce is pretty much the same as a traditional divorce, but much more affordable. Yet, there are several benefits of choosing an online divorce service.

  • Saves you tons of money – the cost of an online divorce is as minimal as it gets. Going to court with your case can cost you thousands of dollars worth of expenses. Only hiring a lawyer can take you around $270 per hour and take you through numerous meetings, increasing the charge. So, most couples looking for affordable ways to get separated often turn to online divorce programs.
  • Fast process – online divorce services are the quickest way for couples to end their marriages. The time it takes to finalize an online divorce can vary depending on the complexity of your case, the couple’s cooperation, and your state’s laws. So, divorcing through an online service can take up to several weeks.
  • Minimal risk – online divorce service minimizes any legal mistakes parents can make. The paperwork, forums, filings, and legal terminology are all in the hands of professional mediation services. So, neither of you have to worry about any legal issues.


In conclusion, online divorce is the most affordable and effective way a couple can separate. Divorcing is an exhausting and expensive process. But, with the right perspective, you and your spouse can have a carefree divorce. Without worrying about the paperwork or forms, you’ll be done in no time.

If you and your spouse can’t agree on some terms, there are always other options. Just remember to research your state’s residential requirements. 

We hope we’ve provided you with enough information on the cost of online divorce.