Please note that all online divorce platforms are not the same. Much of the content below does not apply to BlissDivorce. BlissDivorce is the only complete online divorce solution, including property division, child custody, spousal support, and AI-powered Digital Divorce Mediation.

An online divorce service provider might help you avoid attorney meetings. These online platforms offer an alternative way of getting a divorce without needing expensive divorce attorneys. But every divorcing couple needs a different divorce service. So, if you want to find the best online divorce service for your unique situation, follow our guide.

There’s no doubt that traditional divorce has become more and more costly in the last few years as divorce attorneys charge hefty fees. Thankfully, the Internet may save us the hassle. Nowadays, you can file for a divorce online. You may also carry out the entire process independently.

Online divorce services provide guidance in completing the paperwork needed to initiate the proceedings. Once you and your spouse complete the documents, the court reviews them. The divorce process can start upon court approval of the paperwork.

How to Choose the Best Online Divorce Service for Your Unique Situation?

Marriages can end for a couple of different reasons, yet, the process of getting a divorce is never easy. But, with the help of an online divorce service, this challenging situation may become easier to deal with. You won’t need to meet your spouse face-to-face. Instead, you may do it from the comfort of your own home.

The ease of usage and client reviews make one online divorce service reliable. Before choosing one of these platforms, check if they offer customer support. Also, ensure they offer divorce forms eligible to be filed in court in your state.

You must remember that not all online divorce services are the same. Although they may offer similar features, their technology and way of working might differ. Some online divorce service providers don’t offer resolution tools and professional guidance. Others are technologically equipped.

But there is one thing to always keep in mind. With the rise of the internet’s influence, numerous online platforms for divorce simply exist to scam people. They want to take their money and not offer any help in return.

Thus, the best way to choose an online service is to ensure you choose one based on your needs and preferences. To help you with that, we included some tips to consider.


Source: / Photo Contributor: Brian A Jackson


Many online divorce platforms offer features to ensure a great customer experience. Some of these features are add-ons and require paying extra money. These features can help you to navigate the platform easily.

User authentication

An important feature of divorce platforms is preventing the creation of fake accounts. A reliable online service takes user privacy very seriously and has implemented authentication features.

Through these features, the website verifies the authenticity of users and eliminates fraud as much as possible.


Online divorce services must provide a personalized and guided process. This way of working ensures the users a service that aims to help them deal with their unique problems.

Also, you can monitor every step of the divorce process through a personalization feature.


Technology simplified the process of getting a divorce. Some tools help resolve issues between spouses and reach an agreement. Some online divorce services have become more reliable and popular by including useful tools.

A great example is the Relational Dispute Resolution Technology tool. The idea of creating this tool comes from the strong desire to help people. Bliss Divorce makes use of technology to assist couples in dividing their possessions and settling on child custody.

These types of tools have specific algorithms that focus on reaching a compromise. Regardless of the dispute intensity, some clients achieve resolution on their own terms. Others need to consult a mediator for any additional disagreements. 

Professional guidance

A good online divorce service provider will offer professional guidance. This guidance applies to accurately completing necessary paperwork without forgetting anything important. Some divorce platforms allow you to enter your personal information, and they do the paperwork for you.

You can also review their guidelines to ensure you qualify for an online divorce.

Divorce mediation

Digital divorce mediation tools eliminate the stress of attending court hearings. You won’t have to pay for divorce attorneys. Online divorce platforms offer divorce mediation as a way of helping divorcees deal with their problems in a civil manner.

They may contact a divorce mediator if the tools cannot help them. Divorce mediators can schedule a one-time online meeting with the spouses and support them during dispute resolution. This session is usually free. If the couple needs more assistance, they can pay a mediator to schedule additional meetings.

Divorce mediation works great for an uncontested divorce. Once you and your spouse reach a final agreement, an online divorce service prepares the paperwork and sends it to the court for review. The best online divorce services will contact you until the documents are accepted.


If a divorce platform doesn’t include a Guarantee Policy, it’s probably a scam. Good online divorce service providers guarantee the legitimacy of the paperwork. Ensure the service is not fraudulent before committing to it and paying for it.

Fees and pricing

The best online divorce service for your unique situation won’t always be the cheapest. However, it will still be more affordable than paying a divorce attorney. Ensure the features and guidance are worth the price you are paying for the service.

Things to Consider Before Choosing an Online Divorce Service

Some people see divorce platforms as risky. But in today’s digital age, almost every service offers some guarantee for its services. So, if you plan on starting a divorce and don’t want to pay hefty fees, consult an online divorce service.

Choosing the best online divorce service for your unique situation is not always easy. You might have to browse the Internet for some time to find the most suitable one. Luckily, we listed some things to consider before you choose a reliable divorce platform.


Source: / Photo Contributor: krivinis

Mutual spousal agreement

Before anything else, you must communicate with your spouse and reach a mutual agreement. Your spouse has to agree to get an online divorce before you can initiate the process. Most online divorce services prefer working with both spouses to satisfy their mutual requirements.

For example, BlissDivorce has an individual option that can help you organize your divorce first and later decide on inviting your spouse to join.

Contested vs. uncontested divorce

If a divorce is uncontested, the online proceedings will be straightforward. But if one of the spouses contests the divorce terms, the divorce platform’s guidance and mediators can’t do much. In this case, unfortunately, you’ll have to initiate a traditional divorce.

Fees and refund policy

Online divorce services sometimes charge fees for any help or features you might need. Of course, this might be seen as a standard procedure. However, ensure they have a good Refund Policy if you are unsatisfied with their service.

Compared to the traditional divorce with an attorney’s assistance, there is no refund option in any part of the process.

Personal information protection

Although some divorce platforms process your data, review their Privacy Policy. Ensure your personal information will be well protected when using their service. Also, the online divorce service needs to guarantee they won’t share your data publicly.

Why Is Online Divorce Better than Traditional Divorce

The problem with using traditional divorce lawyers for many people is that the other spouse will also hire one. This back-and-forth negotiation between divorce attorneys in court can lead to conflict. 

The conflict then turns to more court hearings and more money paid to the divorce lawyer. Traditional divorce services will cost you a lot of money, but they are also time-consuming and very stressful.

You can avoid paying the expensive fees, frequent trips to the courthouse, and increased stress levels with online divorce. Unlike the traditional divorce process, online divorce services help clients get a divorce quickly without draining their pockets.


The sky-high charges for the traditional divorce process may reach more than $40,000. Some people consider the services divorce lawyers offer as too overpriced. In comparison, the lowest price point for an online divorce ranges between $900-4,000.


If you take on the traditional route of getting a divorce, even completing the documents can feel like a waste of time. You will have to frequently meet with the lawyer in their office to discuss legal matters.

An online divorce service only requires clients to fill in the documents or complete a questionnaire. Your divorce documents will be ready and verified within a couple of hours. After that, they offer to file the paperwork in court for you. 

Stress Level

Face-to-face negotiations and conflicts can be highly stressful. Luckily, you can avoid all of that by giving online divorce a try. Online divorce services organize the process for you based on your and your spouse’s mutual agreement, terms, and requirements.


Source: / Photo Contributor: Per Bengtsson


To choose the best online divorce service for your unique situation, you must ensure its suitability. If a divorce platform offers all the necessary features and helpful tools, you will get through the proceedings easily and fast. But unfortunately, not all divorce services are efficient.

A good online divorce service will offer personalized features. It will also prepare your paperwork and offer guidance. It won’t compromise the safety of your personal information. Instead, it may be the easiest and most cost-effective option to escape an unhappy marriage.